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<p ns="0" title="Experts" snippet="...e and Place Branding: What the Data Tells Us&quot;, &quot;Place Branding: Evolution, <span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> and Implications&quot;, “The Rise of Country Branding: Implications for Busine " size="35918" wordcount="5258" timestamp="2017-11-03T12:04:46Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Videos" snippet="...h its clear presentation at the 3rd Space World, Mr Govers illustrates the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of the concept “place branding” in all its dimensions and aspects in a " size="6916" wordcount="1071" timestamp="2017-11-21T15:22:22Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Research" snippet="|2004||Papadopoulos Nicolas||Place branding: Evolution, <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> and implications||Eric Sprott School of Business|| Place branding||1(1)||36 |2009||First Ivana||Brand <span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> and its Creation in a Cross-Cultural Context ||University of St. Gallen||Pr " size="52002" wordcount="6873" timestamp="2017-11-06T11:37:47Z" />